
  • consumer

    Pact consumer ============= Pact Consumer is used by projects that are consumers of an API. Most projects will want to use pact-consumer via one ...

    Najnowsze wydanie na lis 06, 2020
  • core

    Core Pact-JVM Modules =====================

    Najnowsze wydanie na mar 30, 2019
  • FatBoy

    Library for creating fixture data with 0 or some configuration

    Najnowsze wydanie na kwi 13, 2016
  • gradle

    Gradle ====== Gradle plugin for verifying pacts against a provider. The Gradle plugin creates a task `pactVerify` to your build which will verify...

    Najnowsze wydanie na lis 06, 2020
  • groovy

    pact-jvm-consumer-groovy ========================= Groovy DSL for Pact JVM ## Dependency The library is available on maven central using: * gro...

    Najnowsze wydanie na lis 06, 2020
  • java8

    # pact-jvm-consumer-java8 Provides a Java8 lambda based DSL for use with Junit to build consumer tests. ## Dependency The library is available on...

    Najnowsze wydanie na lis 06, 2020
  • junit

    pact-jvm-consumer-junit ======================= Provides a DSL and a base test class for use with Junit to build consumer tests. ## Dependency T...

    Najnowsze wydanie na lis 06, 2020
  • junit5

    pact-jvm-consumer-junit5 ======================== JUnit 5 support for Pact consumer tests ## Dependency The library is available on maven centra...

    Najnowsze wydanie na lis 06, 2020
  • junit5spring

    # Pact Spring/JUnit5 Support This module extends the base [Pact JUnit5 module](/provider/junit5/ See that for more details. For writin...

    Najnowsze wydanie na lis 06, 2020
  • kotlin

    # Kotlin consumer DSL for Pact-JVM

    Najnowsze wydanie na sie 22, 2021